Gary Aubin

Creating a Truly Inclusive School

About this masterclass

This session explores what it means to be an inclusive school and what proactive steps we can take to make learning work for all students.

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Gary Aubin

Director at SENDMattersUK Ltd.

Gary Aubin is the author of The Lone SENDCO, a handbook of 300 questions and answers for busy SENDCOs. He works as the Education Endowment Foundation's Associate for SEND, having been their SEND Content Specialist. Gary led on SEND provision for a Multi Academy Trust of 10 primary and secondary schools for several years, and has recently joined Whole Education, in which he is working to support MAT SEND Leads and SENDCOs working across the country. He writes postgraduate SEND content for the National Institute of Teaching and Real Training.


Gary Aubin
Director at SENDMattersUK Ltd.

Gary Aubin is the author of The Lone SENDCO, a handbook of 300 questions and answers for busy SENDCOs. He works as the Education Endowment Foundation's Associate for SEND, having been their SEND Content Specialist. Gary led on SEND provision for a Multi Academy Trust of 10 primary and secondary schools for several years, and has recently joined Whole Education, in which he is working to support MAT SEND Leads and SENDCOs working across the country. He writes postgraduate SEND content for the National Institute of Teaching and Real Training.

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