Reading Resources.

Expand your understanding of Oracy for Learning with a collection of evidence-based articles and study summaries packed with practical tips for your classroom.

Articles about Oracy for learning

4 teaching strategies to link Oracy and Cognitive Science 

Explore 4 strategies you can use to help your students better communicate their ideas. 

Oracy in class: How to encourage students to speak up and participate 

The importance of students speaking up in the classroom, student-teacher relationships and how to motivate students to participate in class.

Thinking and Participation Ratios: How to maximise cognitive engagement 

Classroom talk is one form of deep learning. However, to enhance cognitive engagement, we can increase both the depth of thought and level of participation. Explore Doug Lemov’s most effective methods for achieving this.

Curiosity and learning: 6 reasons why students should ask why 

Students asking ‘why’ not only demonstrates enthusiasm. Research also shows that there are learning benefits.

Research study summaries

The one about reading out loud 

Is there a way to read that means you’re more likely to remember things? Is reading out loud more beneficial than silent study? This study explored these questions and more.

The one about teaching others 

What are the best conditions for learning and revision? Read on to find out what the research says…

Evidence-informed Infographics

How to Think, Pair, Share

‘Think, Pair, Share’ helps students to engage with the questions we ask them, but what’s the best way to use it? This guide to using the technique in the classroom includes tips about what to remember during each phase.
 Download here 

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Head back over to Oracy for Learning and take your pick of another activity, or choose a different topic.